Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Fantasy World

I am so young, sooo young at heart..hehehe..While I am browsing the net a few months ago, searching for a new and cheap getaway (gala pero kuripot :)), I saw a picture of a castle like place and I couldn't believe myself that it is located just here in the Philippines.  Agad agad ni research ko and found out that it is located at Lemeray, Batangas.  Yahooo! ang lapit ko lang!

I finally got a chance to visit this place last June, though I only stay outside to take my pictures ( may entrance kasi P1,000 minimum of 10 persons eh dalawa lang kami sayang naman, remember KURIPOT! hahaha).  The place is kinda old I can say but yes it is still enchanting for me-it is the first time I saw a castle so I was still so happy.  However, I left as soon as I got my pictures taken.

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